Animals slaughtered today
US spots first H5N1 bird flu case in a pig
A pig tested positive for the H5N1 bird flu for the first time in the US, a feared development that could help the virus further evolve and put humans at risk.
Meat production in Europe is dropping
The production of meat and the numbers of animals being farmed across Europe are on a downward trajectory, according to a new report.
Big ag is stifling plant-based competition
Will we allow the interests of a few powerful industries to continue to dictate our food laws, or will plant-based foods finally be granted a fair chance at success?
We can ensure a sustainable future by quitting animal products
The battle against climate change hinges on shifting from livestock farming to sustainable protein sources. We need to stop consuming animal products.
Where does Kamala Harris stand on meat and factory farming?
Kamala Harris’ actions on food and meat policies paint the picture of somebody who cares about animal welfare and is willing to implement more humane policies.
IPCC report calls for world to address food security
With 821 million people undernourished, solutions like regenerative farming, waste reduction, and women’s empowerment are crucial for improving food security.
The latest trend ‘horse milk ice-cream’ harms horses
Horse milk ice-cream is not more ethical than traditional dairy. The last thing horses need is yet another way for humans to take advantage of them.
We need to address meat dissociation
Meat production contributes significantly to animal suffering and environmental damage, urging a shift towards more compassionate and sustainable food choices.
Brazilian judge fines slaughterhouses
A Brazilian judge fined two slaughterhouses and three ranchers $764,000 for buying cattle from a protected rainforest area, addressing Amazon deforestation.
Where does Trump stand on animal welfare and factory farming?
Trump’s history strongly suggests that he would be much more of an ally to agribusiness and factory farmers than to animals, consumers or the environment.
Confronting livestock farming is harder than opposing fossil fuels
Opposing livestock farming is harder than fighting fossil fuels, but crucial for addressing its environmental harm.
Denver could be first city to ban slaughterhouses
Denver is poised to ban slaughterhouses and its success or failure could have broad implications for the animal rights movement.
Food system change could reduce methane emissions
The way we eat and dispose of food play a huge role in our growing methane problem, which is why addressing this issue is crucial for a sustainable future.
Community members shut down backyard slaughterhouse
After campaigning for almost 10 years for the closure of a slaughterhouse in Georgia, community members have finally shut down the operation.
European supermarkets are encouraging shoppers to eat less meat
The new initiative, known as protein splits, aims to expand supermarket sales of plant proteins and shrink sales of meat products.
Brazilian slaughterhouses ordered to pay for Amazon reforestation
In a landmark ruling, Brazilian slaughterhouses face hefty fines for illegally deforesting the Amazon, as a judge orders them to pay for reforestation.
Veal sandwich competition cancelled
A veal sandwich contest set to take place in Toronto was cancelled possibly due to animal welfare groups highlighting the industry’s cruelty.
EU plant-based action could assist climate-friendly transition for farmers
An EU-funded report has recognised the need to shift towards more sustainable diets, asking the EU Commission to create a plant-based action plan by 2026.
Former poultry farm now a thriving mushroom farm
Derek Sarno transforms an old poultry farm into a thriving, sustainable mushroom facility, championing eco-friendly food production.
Meat industry greed on display as costs skyrocket
America’s largest meat producers, including Tyson and Cargill, are reportedly fixing prices. It’s one of the biggest conspiracies in corporate history.
Life in the long shadow of factory farms
Noise, smell, toxic air, chronic disease and water pollution from factory farms affect neighbouring communities first, endangering health and welfare.
Cat meat farm and slaughterhouse in Vietnam shut down
A cat meat farm and slaughterhouse in Vietnam has closed down for good after its struggling owner was offered help to exit the industry.
Why we need people to eat less meat and dairy
Meat and dairy are the most carbon-intensive foods by far and we should eat less of them. But the messaging around this continues to be poor.
Governments are trying to ban lab-grown meat
These new proteins could be our best hope of averting catastrophe, but the livestock lobby is waging war on ‘lab-grown meat’. This is why we can’t let them win.