Gazpacho! The chilled, raw tomato and vegetable soup from Andalusia, Spain. Ever had it?
At its best, gazpacho is super refreshing and bursting with fresh-from-the-garden summer flavours.
    You’ll need:
    5 large ripe tomatoes
    1 celery stalk, chopped
    1 large green pepper
    1 large red pepper or yellow pepper
    2 medium-sized onions, chopped
    3/4 large cucumber, peeled, chopped
    2 garlic cloves, pressed
    1 lemon, squeezed plus rind
    1 pint of tomato juice or vegetable stock
    Olive oil
    Salt and pepper to taste
    Here’s how:
    1. Peel and chop the onions
    2. Crush garlic.
    3. Chop the celery and dice peppers finely.
    4. Skin the tomatoes (not strictly necessary).
    5. In a large food processor or blender, place the cucumbers, celery, bell peppers, lemon rind, onions and garlic. (set aside some chopped tomatoes, cucumbers, onions).
    6. Run the processor for a few seconds, then add the salt, pepper and a pinch of sugar.
    7. Gradually add the stock/tomato juice and blend.
    8. Pour into a container and put into the fridge to chill.
    9. Just before serving, take some of the chopped tomatoes, peppers and onions, add some parsley, and add as garnish.
    10. Serve in soup bowls or small glasses with croutons and/or fresh bread.