Lovers of dumplings who also happen to be vegetarians or vegans can rejoice! Impossible Foods just announced their new product – Impossible Pork.

It’s not real pork, of course. The new ground meat substitute is plant-based, just like the fake ground beef that made Impossible famous. In fact, the entire proposition of Impossible Pork is quite similar to that of Impossible Beef. It’s designed to look like ground pork, cook like ground pork, and of course, taste like ground pork.

Some might say that Impossible is simply introducing a new flavour of its celebrated fake meat. That might be true, but the addition of anything resembling ground pork means that Impossible can start making all kinds of formerly carnivore-only food items like dumplings and sausages.

In tandem with its announcing the new ground pork product, Impossible also announced a new line of plant-based sausages appropriately called Impossible Sausage. Burger King will use these patties in a trial of non-meat Croissan’wiches at select stores in late January.

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