
According to a new study eating chicken, beef, and lamb can lower testosterone in men leading to infertility and health problems.

A new study found that men who eat too much meat have a higher risk of becoming infertile. The research found that high protein diets can decrease a man’s testosterone by 37 percent.

The study, conducted by the University of Worchester, compiled the results of 27 different studies with data from 309 men. The results prompted experts to warn that men should cut back their chicken, beef, and lamb intake, especially if they plan on having children. Overeating these products, or having a high protein diet, can cause low testosterone levels, which cause lower sperm counts.

Low testosterone has also been linked to heart disease, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s. The study said this is also known as “protein poisoning,” which means that eating an excess protein level leads to it breaking down into ammonia which then turns toxic. They suggest that the excess protein levels might leave the body to focus on fixing the “protein poisoning” by suppressing testosterone production.

Protein poisoning may be more common than we think, especially in men who often eat lots of meat and protein in order to “bulk up.” Protein poisoning can carry symptoms like nausea, diarrhea, and low sex drive.

The study concluded that high protein diets, which are usually low in carbohydrates, affected testosterone and raised cortisol. A “high protein diet” is one that contained 35 percent of calories from protein. While most men don’t eat this level, many men attempting to “bulk up” with meat and protein shakes should take note of these findings.

There has always been a myth that vegans or people who eat no animal products cannot get enough protein. This idea that meat is the only and best way to get protein needs to end. All protein originates in plants, and there are so many great plant-based sources that can give you the amount of protein you need, and higher quality than any animal protein could provide you. Unlike meat, plants have no side effects like chronic diseases.

Protein is vital to a healthy diet and helps with nearly all of our body’s processes. According to the Dietary Reference Intake report, adults should consume 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of their body weight. This means the average man should eat about 56 grams of protein and the average woman should eat about 46 grams. It is incredibly easy to get all of that protein from plant sources and eating plants contains absolutely no risk to your health, like meat.

Original source: https://www.onegreenplanet.org