Time Magazine releases an issue every year in which they identify who they believe are the world’s 100 most influential people. Veganism has managed to creep in throughout the 2017 issue. While Time does not elude to any vegan or vegetarian links regarding the influential people, we have done some research and found that veganism and/or vegetarianism plays a role in many of the Time 100’s lives.

Besides  for sparking the #NoMakeup movement last year, in a recent issue of US Weekly, Alicia talked about her diet saying, “I’m a vegetarian, so I also eat lots of greens and rice.” And she was spotted at New York’s Juliet Supper Club enjoying a vegan meal made especially for her.

The mastermind and director of the Oscar-nominated Selma is not just a fantastic storyteller but she is also a tenacious vegan who meets interviewers in purely vegetarian and vegan restaurants and cafes.

Since he became prime minister of India in May 2014, much has been made of the fact that Prime Minister Narendra Modi is a strict vegetarian. He is however not the first vegetarian Prime Minister of India. This is partly due to the fact that cows are considered holly by Hinduism. Considering that India has one of the largest populations in the world, this is a definite win for vegetarian/vegan movement.

The chairman of the American Democratic National Committee is a lawyer, local elected official, Secretary of Labour and partly vegetarian (whatever that is suppose to mean). The hope is he’s transitioning to full vegetarianism and hopefully be a vegan soon!

Bill Gate’s wife is a fierce advocate for women’s rights around the world and while there is no evidence that she herself is vegan or vegetarian, her husband has long spoken out for reduced meat consumption for the benefit of the environment and human health. Bill Gates is also a major investor in the meat alternative start-up company Beyond Meat.

Sharma is the master of mobile payment in India and his company is worth around $5 Billion. While it hasn’t been verified, we’re pretty sure this entrepreneur is vegetarian as he orders vegetarian dishes during interviews and occasionally informs his Twitter followers about the vegetarian meals he is about to consume.

The NFL quarterback with the most overall victories in NFL history credits his (almost) vegan lifestyle among other things for his longevity in his American football career. Another NFL player, Griff Whalen (while not under the Time 100) also accredits his vegan  diet for his success.Also worth noting is former football player Marc Ramirez and his wife are avid vegans and a low-fat, plant-based diet helped Marc to defeat his diabetes.

Colin Kaepernick, a NFL quarterback isn’t scared of standing up for what he believes in. He has shown great courage in exercising his right to free speech when he refused to stand up to sing the national anthem due to inequalities in the American social-justice system. He has also refused to back down from his vegan lifestyle despite pressure from NFL team-mates, coaches and the media who have blamed his weight-loss and bad performance on his vegan diet.

Conor McGregor is the first person in Fighting Championship history to hold two weight division titles. The man is basically unbeatable, and guess what? No, he’s not vegan! But the man that did beat him in a shock victory is vegan. Vegan UFC Fighter Nate Diaz stepped in to fight the formidable Conor McGregor on only 12 days notice and claimed a impressive victory after beating his opponent in the second round. McGregor was unable to keep up with Diaz and was completely overwhelmed by Diaz’s energy and unrelenting pace.

Last but not least, Pope Francis is not vegetarian or vegan but he is extremely outspoken about climate change. And as we know, Animal Agriculture is a major contributor to climate change. A plant-based diet can save our planet. All we need to do is convince one of Times most influential people to speak out about it. And our choice is Pope Francis due to his billions of followers and his approach to climate change.