Animals can teach us a lot about being better and strive to achieve more. And we can learn a lot from chickens! Here are some lessons we can learn from a mother hen.

How often do you interact with animals in your daily life? Not just home animals and pets like your dogs or cats, but also other animals? Chances are, not very often. While surely, we’d all like to spend out days surrounded by animals, this is hardly the reality for most people. As a society, humans have separated ourselves from the animal world, building houses and fences to keep wildlife away. We’ve developed a culture that predominantly views humans as “superior” to animals and we associate their wild qualities and instincts with being “uncivilized.”

Of course, not everyone hold these beliefs, but it is the prevailing ideology of our world. But, anyone who loves animals, like i do, knows that there is much more to the many varied and incredible species on this planet. There are many lessons that we stand to learn from animals, especially considering how far we’ve separated ourselves from them.

Animals have inherent worth and value, just like humans that merits our respect and acknowledgement. Animals can teach us a lot about being better and strive to achieve more. Different animals teach us different lessons but in this I will major on chickens. First, here are quick facts about chickens:

  • Chickens can distinguish between more than 100 faces of their own species. Looks like elephants aren’t the only ones who have a great memory!
  • Chickens have full-colour vision, just like we do. They also have better vision than humans. Humans have three different cone types in their eyes which let us see red, green and blue. Chickens, however, have an additional two cone types which allow them to distinguish violet and ultraviolet light. This is why they crow early in the morning – they can see the sunrise an hour before humans can.

Here are eight lessons that we learn from a mother hen:

1. Good planning

A hen first lays enough eggs before sitting on them. Result is just the end product of a successful plan. Result is not as good as the planning because if the planning is not well planned and carried out, there will be no good result at the end of it’s execution.

Having a plan is a compulsory factor. All things you do have to be strategic. You can’t just say you want to be successful yet you don’t have an order in which you do you things. A plan is also a motivational factor and it will encourage you to improve your efforts.

2. Discipline

When she starts sitting on her eggs she minimizes movement. Discipline as simple as it sounds but very paramount in life. Discipline regulates all everything in one’s life. Discipline is a key factor to a successful life.

Self discipline is the key to success in life. You cannot succeed in life without it. Successful people will always suggest you to stay disciplined. Self discipline helps you to become unstoppable force of energy to reach greatest level in your life.

3. Self-denial

She physically loses her weight when sitting on egg due to decreased feeding and stays in her nest for a period of 21 days without knowing whether her eggs will hatch or not.

4. Indiscriminate and generous

She can sit on eggs from another hen. It’s important to accommodate others.

5. Faith, hope and courage

She sits on her eggs for 21 days, patiently waiting – and even if they hatch she will still lay more eggs. In life you need to always keep expecting the best out of everything. Never lose courage, no matter how hard the situation has become.

6. Sensitive and discerning

She detects unfertilized eggs and rolls them out. Being sensitive in what you do matters a lot, know when to take a step and when to withdraw. Be sure of what you’re doing.

7. Wisdom, consciousness – and being realistic

She abandons the rotten eggs and starts caring for the hatched chicks even if it’s only one.

The wise have a solid sense of what they can survive. They know just how much can go wrong and things will still be just about liveable.

The unwise person draws the boundaries of their contentment far too far out: so that it encompasses, and depends upon, fame, money, personal relationships, popularity, health.

8. Protective

No one touches her chicks!

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Did you know these five things about chickens?