Pigs on pig farms being raised for consumption are treated with extreme cruelty. The shocking extent of this has been revealed by a report by Mercy For Animals.
The factory farming system is corrupt, cruel, and wildly inhumane. Despite this, many people continue to consume meat and other animal products that are produced by these horrible systems. A report released by Animal rights organization, Mercy For Animals, on August 5 reveals the unbelievable cruelty that takes place on pig farms.
In the report, investigators detailed the unimaginable suffering of mother pigs and their babies. The mothers are forced into tiny gestation crates which barely allow the pregnant creatures the chance to lie down or turn around. They will be forced to spend the entirety of their pregnancy in these crates. According to the report released by Mercy For Animals, these crates are often covered in excrement and the mother pigs must give birth in these unhygienic conditions. Despite common misconceptions, pigs are very clean creatures who are careful to keep their waste far away from their eating areas when allowed to live naturally.
Once a mother pig gives birth, her babies are quickly taken away. Pigs are naturally wonderful mothers who carefully care for their babies. Yet, mother pigs on these factory farms are barely allowed to care for their young. Imagine the distress this must cause these incredibly intelligent beings. After being removed from their mother, the piglets are raised for breeding or slaughter.
Mother pigs are artificially impregnated repeatedly to keep up with consumer demand for pork products. They are overbred without proper medical care. The Mercy For Animals report shares that mother pigs are kept “Lying in their own waste, often denied water and dehydrated, and dying in pain over many hours, having been forced through labor several times during their short lives.”
No creature should have to endure such horrifying conditions in their brutally short lives. Yet in 2021, roughly four pigs were slaughtered each second in the United States alone. Millions of smart, feeling creatures are tortured and killed each year to feed consumer hunger for pork.
As Mercy For Animals releases this report detailing the unimaginable cruelty of the pork industry, some legislators are lobbying to roll back legislation that protects the rights of farm animals. The Exposing Agricultural Trade Suppression Act (EATS) will have horrible impacts on the rights of farmed animals. It would get rid of anti-confinement laws in several states, and prevent others from passing laws to protect animals. If this law passes, even more animals will be exposed to unimaginable cruelty.
Original source: https://www.onegreenplanet.org