Here you’ll find all the latest articles about the current coronavirus pandemic.
How animal agriculture contributes to zoonotic diseases
As demand for meat grows and reshapes the way we use land; zoonotic diseases like COVID-19 will become more common.
Our food systems are breeding grounds for another pandemic
From zoonotic diseases to antimicrobial resistance, our industrial food systems are creating a breeding ground for viruses and bacteria.
Climate change is a bigger problem than COVID-19
If the world matched the reaction to coronavirus when dealing with climate change we could save humanity.
Is animal agriculture brewing up another pandemic?
Intensive animal agriculture to meat the global demand for meat will come at the expense of our health and well-being.
Bird flu kills 11 year old Cambodian girl
The world might have to face yet another pandemic created by animal agriculture as H5N1 bird flu transmits to humans.
Livestock farming linked to zoonotic diseases
Land usage and the destruction of natural habitats are just two ways in which animal farming can contribute to the spread of zoonotic diseases.
Is Wuhan wet-market back in business?
It’s possible that China has secretly allowed for the reopening of Wuhan’s wet market which was responsible for the COVID-19 outbreak.
Meat eating is a health hazard
Dietary shifts away from meat is crucial to protect the environment, safeguard poorer communities and reduce the risk of disease outbreaks and pandemics.
Rising temperatures will lead to more diseases
Rising temperatures due to climate change will lead to heightened health risks. Here are five diseases that will become more commonplace.
IPCC report links disease to climate change
Pandemics such as COVID-19 are bound to become more common if we fail to tackle climate change, according to the latest IPCC report.
Is the meat industry brewing the next pandemic?
The COVID-19 virus has killed millions of people globally. Sadly it will likely not be the last pandemic we see, thanks to animal agriculture.
Wuhan’s seafood market may be responsible for COVID-19
A new study has found that the coronavirus virus may have been transmitted to humans via the seafood market in Wuhan causing a global pandemic.
Antibiotic-resistant infections could be the new pandemic
We need antibiotics to treat and prevent infections. Sadly, we have misused and abused antibiotics for decades and are now reaping the unwanted rewards.
Caring better for animals could stop millions of people dying
Zoonotic diseases that jump from animals to humans are causing millions of people to die annually. Destroying areas like rainforests will worsen matters.
China has reported cases of H5N6 bird flu in humans
The H5N6 bird flu, and other similar viruses caused by the farming of fowl for human consumption, could impact global battle against COVID-19.
Chicken factory farms are source of new pandemic
Factory farms are a breeding ground for disease. Chicken farms are now the source of several strains of bird-flu that are deadly to humans.
Postpone COP26 say Green groups
COP26 is seen as a crucial gathering on climate change, but green groups say there are issues with travel, quarantine costs and surges in Covid-19.
Humans must decide whether to change their attitude to the natural world or lose everything
Humans have broken all bonds with the natural world and we must now decide whether to stop eating animals and GMO foods otherwise it will be the end of us.
Some disease causing wet markets are incomprehensibly still open for business
After the COVID-19 outbreak many wet markets were shut down for the sake of public health, but horrifyingly some remain open.
The science is indisputable – climate change is making us sick
An ever-warming earth, caused largely by unsustainable agricultural practices, is giving rise to a decline in social health.
Here’s how you contribute to pandemics when you buy and eat animals
Our exploitation of animals for consumption is leading towards catastrophe. In the future pandemics like COVID-19 will be much more common.
Access to COVID vaccines could save the Amazon rainforest
Physicians and volunteers are making the COVID-19 vaccine available to indigenous communities who are the biggest campaigners for the Amazon rainforest.
Can a plant-based diet protect against COVID-19?
A new scientific study shows that people on a plant-based diet are less likely to exhibit serious symptoms of COVID-19 than those who eat meat.
COVID-19 stalls important UN Summit for protecting wildlife
The UN wildlife summit was meant to take place in October last year but has been postponed twice since due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Plant-based eaters are more protected against severe COVID-19 symptoms
Plant-based eaters are considerably more protected against severe COVID-19 in comparison to meat-eaters, according to new research.
World leaders ignore root cause of pandemics
Deforestation, habitat destruction and the abuse of wildlife are the main cause of pandemics including COVID-19. Why are world leaders ignoring this?
Medics demand action from World Health Organisation on climate change
Medics in Geneva have marched on the World Health Organisation to demand action on climate crisis in the interest of public health.
Why plant-based diets would be most effective in preventing future pandemics
Not a single pandemic in human history has been traced to plants, but there is a clear link between the consumption of animal products and zoonotic diseases.
Jane Goodall sends strong warning about future pandemics
Environmentalist Jane Goodall says that we must learn to respect nature and fix our environmental catastrophe if we wish to prevent future pandemics.
Meat eaters won’t acknowledge animal agriculture as cause of pandemics
According to recent study, it appears that those who eat meat are failing to acknowledge the link between factory farming and the spread of infectious diseases.
Denmark digs up mass graves after culling 17 million mink
Denmark is digging up mass graves containing the bodies of millions of dead mink after a report warned that they could contaminate local groundwater.
The media must cover animal agriculture’s role in creating pandemics – before it’s too late!
Experts agree that animal agriculture is the primary cause of the COVID-19 pandemic and that it will result in new pandemics in the future.
Why are we ignoring the pandemic risk of factory farming?
Though the answer to our animal-derived pandemic problem appears quite straightforward, it seems that human psychology continues to get in the way.
Humans future interaction with the planet and it’s inhabitants will determine future pandemics
Interactions between humans and the natural world have resulted in climate emergency, catastrophic loss of biodiversity, degradation of soils, and pandemics.
WHO calls for ban on live animal markets to prevent pandemics
The World Health Organisation calls for a complete ban on markets selling live, wild animals in order to prevent future pandemics.
Greta Thunberg campaigns for global COVID-19 vaccination equity
Swedish activist, Greta Thunberg, has gone from climate activist to campaigner for global vaccination equity as a necessity for climate action.
Greta wants climate summit postponed due to COVID-19 concerns
Climate activist, Greta Thunberg, says that the COP26 climate talks should be postponed until COVID-19 rollout is effective.
Americans eating more meat during pandemic
There is more fake meat than ever on supermarket shelves. So why are American’s still choosing real meat over sustainable options?
Plant-based diets can protect you against COVID-19
We know that a healthy diet can promote wellness and protect us against illness, but how exactly can eating a plant-based diet help us fight COVID-19?
WHO draft report says animals most probable cause of COVID-19
Following speculation about the origins of the COVID-19 virus, a new report says that the transmission from humans to bats is the most likely source.
Could this be the end of the meat industry?
COVID-19 has highlighted the flaws of the meat industry. As it struggles to maintain relevance, will plant-based diets defeat it?
Preventing pandemics requires encouraging nature conservation
Investing in nature conservation efforts to protect animals and the natural world could be the answer to preventing future pandemics.
Documents confirm, meat packing industry created unsafe workspaces despite pandemic
Documents from the USDA confirm that the meat industry fought Trump era COVID-19 safety guidelines leading to multiple deaths.
COVID-19 may have been the result of pig consumption
Experts are saying it might be possible that COVID-19 was an result of African Swine Flu outbreak amongst pig livestock in China.
COVID-19: A result of man-made environmental damage
The abhorrent way in which we have been treating nature and animals we kill for food is causing pandemics that could become more frequent.
What is Zoonoses and how does it impact you?
Zoonotic diseases such as COVID-19 are one of the biggest threats to humans and yet they are usually caused by people destroying nature and abusing animals.
French mayor taking meat off the menu for schools sparks major political row
A decision to temporarily take meat off the menu in school canteens during the coronavirus pandemic has sparked a major political row in France.
Animal agriculture is hazardous, immoral and brutal
Animal agriculture is morally and ethically wrong and it’s hardly surprising that keeping animals in dreadful conditions leads to the spread of disease.
Human greed and environmental destruction are breeding grounds for pandemics
The next pandemic will arrive sooner than we can imagine if we fail to learn our lesson. The continued destruction of nature is a recipe for disease.
Viruses caused by animal exploitation and deforestation are a major danger to humanity
With increasing pandemics, ensuring nature is protected from human exploitation should be considered a life or death situation for humankind.
Climate catastrophe already destroying food security
The world’s poorest suffer the most when crisis occurs. COVID-19 is a small taste of how bad things could become if climate change is not dealt urgently.
Germany’s pig farms threatened by African Swine Flu and COVID-19 outbreaks
The country’s pork industry is under strain after an outbreak of ASF. With the meat industry hit by COVID-19, its hard to tell if pig farms will survive.
Why factory farming is a catastrophic risk to our species
The vast majority of meat comes from factory farms. Factory farming presents a risk in both viral and bacterial pandemics, along with antibiotic resistance.
The misery behind slaughterhouse workers
Meat is not essential and slaughterhouse workers are being oppressed. Each of us who continues to underwrite that abuse bears some of the responsibility.
85{85424e366b324f7465dc80d56c21055464082cc00b76c51558805a981c8fcd63} of Brits want ‘urgent’ ban on factory farming amid pandemic fears
Around 85{85424e366b324f7465dc80d56c21055464082cc00b76c51558805a981c8fcd63} of Brits want an ‘urgent’ ban on factory farming to prevent future pandemics with 31{85424e366b324f7465dc80d56c21055464082cc00b76c51558805a981c8fcd63} planning ‘to slash their meat consumption in 2021.
The COVID-19 vaccine is not vegan
The vaccine has been tested on animals so it isn’t vegan. But top vegan doctors recommend vegans still have it. Here’s what they have to say on the matter.
World Health Organization warns about future pandemics
Experts have warned that the coronavirus pandemic is “not necessarily the big one” and that the world will adjust to living with Covid-19.
More seniors going plant-based due to COVID-19
Older generations across North America are now leaning into the plant-based lifestyle to improve their health during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
How going vegan could save you from COVID-19 and other pandemics
Studies show that eating a healthier vegan diet can ensure that COVID-19 risk is lowered, it can also ensure that pandemics stop occurring.
Kamala Harris is being urged to encourage plant-based diets to low income American women
A coalition of women are calling on Vice-President-elect Kamala Harris to seize the moment and promote a plant-based diet to deal with the COVID-19 crisis.
New USDA secretary must ensure COVID-19 health restrictions for workers at meat plants
Dr Neal Barnard, president of the nonprofit Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, says that the next USDA Secretary must take a firm stance on meat
UN report names factory farming as a contributor to “Era Of Pandemics”
A report by the U.N. agency on biodiversity and ecosystem services claims intensive farming and deforestation are triggers for future pandemics.
The Planet has been pushed past a tipping point by COVID-19
The emergency of the COVID-19 pandemic is an indication that civilization has breached a major ‘tipping point’ resulting ecological emergencies.
Why our way of thinking makes us mobilise for Coronavirus, but not climate change
Humans are good at problem-solving. Coronavirus leads us to act with great speed. But when it comes to Climate Change, we dig in.
Store-bought chicken could be a pandemic risk
The chicken you find on the shelf at your local grocery store is often times the result of an unsustainable, unsanitary and unethical production process.
The fascinating way COVID-19 and climate change are linked
Climate change has a very real impact on social health. Prevention of more health crisis such as COVID-19 could be reliant on dealing with climate change.
To prevent pandemics we must protect nature
A new report finds human exploitation of nature set the scene for the coronavirus pandemic which has claimed thousands of lives globally.
Coronavirus is forcing us to rethink our relationship with meat
The coronavirus pandemic is resurging in many countries who thought they had it under control. It is especially in slaughterhouses, meat processing plants.
7 reasons to go vegan during the pandemic
There’s a very rewarding way to help change the world for the better from the comfort of your own home: going vegan. And it’s very simple!
COVID-19 is ‘a threat to the environment’ says Sir David Attenborough
Sir David Attenborough said the Covid-19 pandemic was a threat to the environment as politicians deal with the crisis instead of climate change.
Study finds coronavirus strain in pigs could spread to humans
Researchers find that coronavirus strain which existed in China since 2016, SADS-CoV, that infects piglets can be replicated in humans.
Has COVID-19 pushed meat-eaters towards plant-based alternatives?
Plant-based meat is being purchased more than ever as sales skyrocket amid the coronavirus outbreak and market confusion.
COVID-19 punishes industrial agriculture
Is it possible that the COVID-19 pandemic has enhanced the movement calling for an end to unsustainable animal agricultural practices?
Choose veganism and choose compassion
Veganism is the ethical choice, it is also our best shot at saving the earth from climate catastrophe for future generations.
African Swine Fever outbreak in Germany could result in mass culling
Germany to enact a crisis management plan after African Swine Fever has been detected in a wild boar. This could include a mass culling.
Is there such a thing as disease-free animal agriculture?
China claims to be dealing with the health-risk factors that have become synonymous with its animal agriculture and wildlife trades.
Prince Charles warns that climate crisis will dwarf impact of coronavirus
Prince Charles has warned that the climate crisis will “dwarf” the impact of COVID -19 and has called for ‘swift and immediate action’.
Meat industry: An untouchable danger to public health
The meat industry causes deforestation and habitat destruction, which lead to pandemics; and yet they go unchallenged by politicians and world leaders.
Dangerous and deadly diseases could spring from the Amazon and kill millions
The Amazon basin has all factors that can generate new “zoonotic” diseases, and on a scale unprecedented in human history.
European meat inspectors concerned about possible disease risk
Inspectors are concerned after safety controls are reduced for pig and poultry. They claim that this has exposed consumers to unnecessary risk.
Study finds 60{85424e366b324f7465dc80d56c21055464082cc00b76c51558805a981c8fcd63} of Americans trying to quit meat
A survey commissioned by Eat Just shows that Americans are looking for ways to eat less meat. This is after the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic.
What does COVID-19 mean for climate activism?
The impact of the coronavirus pandemic has brought the world to a stop. Has it taken away from the momentum of climate emergency activism?
Experts warn of future animal-related pandemic
Scientists warn that the next pandemic could arrive sooner than we think and that it will almost certainly be caused by animal exploitation.
Is going vegan the post-covid future?
Founder of Tenderly, Summer Anne Burton, writes about going meatless, choosing sustainable living and the possibility of future pandemics.
Chickens ruthlessly culled due to COVID-19 “surplus”
Hundreds of thousands of chickens in the UK have been culled after the coronavirus outbreak disrupted normal business routine.
Ever wonder about the impact of COVID-19 on farm animals?
Animals usually farmed for food are suffering worst of all during this time. Many have suffered neglect, starvation and even culling.
10 diseases caused by animal agriculture
Meat-eating has been the cause of many diseases over the years. These preventable zoonotic diseases have killed thousands of people.
Zoonosis: Could it be karma?
Science tells us over and over again the risks of eating animals, and now we face the ultimate punishment of our despicable actions as a society.
Coronavirus can last for up to three weeks on frozen meat
New research finds that the coronavirus can contaminate meat products, surviving on frozen meat items for up to three weeks.
“Cell-based meat industry could help prevent the next pandemic” – Liz Marshall
An insightful interview with, Liz Marshall, producer of a documentary on the cultivated meat industry entitled “Meat The Future”
Doctors group accuse USDA of endangering public health
The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine files petition against USDA for failing to screen meat products for COVID-19.
Speciesism is a major factor in the spread of zoonotic diseases
The inability to accept animal lives as equal to human lives leaves animals vulnerable to exploitation. Could this be the source of pandemics like COVID-19?
Fury as China plans to invest in Argentina’s hog industry
Argentinian environmental activists have criticised the plan saying that Chinese authorities are only trying to outsource a pandemic risk.
What we can learn from Bill Gates’ article on climate change
Six key points from an article wherein the tech personality and philanthropist said climate-change should be treated with the same urgency as COVID-19.
Climate change is going to be far far worse than Coronavirus
Growing climate action is the result of people waking up to the reality of a climate catastrophe. Change can happen only if we care about the future.
‘Tofu never caused a pandemic’ – PETA
Creative PETA campaign strikes at the core; criticises the meat industry for coronavirus outbreak which has killed thousands of people.
What caused the COVID-19 outbreak?
Continued human encroachment on, and destruction of, natural habitats is a major cause of coronavirus and similar outbreaks.
COVID-19 unveils the meat industry’s ugly secrets
As the COVID-19 pandemic worsens, the meat industry is finding it harder to hide their unethical processes using euphemisms.
COVID-19 found in imported shrimp and chicken wings
Chinese health authorities in some cities have found traces of COVID-19 in meat products imported from South American meat plants.
7 ways COVID-19 has created a global meat industry crisis
The current pandemic has exposed the animal slaughter industry’s weaknesses – proving that the food system is in need of change.
Pig farming is breeding the next pandemic
Changes in our eating habits and farming practices have dramatically ramped up pigs’ propensity to gin up new pathogens.
Bill Gates warns that climate change could be as deadly as coronavirus
Bill Gates has warned that by 2060, climate change could be just as deadly as the coronavirus pandemic. By 2100, it could be five times as deadly.
Human encroachment and habitat destruction is the cause of COVID-19
New scientific research has shown that the coronavirus has its roots in continued destruction and plundering of natural habitats.
Intensive animal farming is a ticking time bomb for disease
Unsustainable farming methods are making future pandemics more likely to occur. The only solution is to radically change how we farm our food.
Ditch the meat to relieve climate-anxiety, research shows
Climate-change induced anxiety is becoming common as people learn about the climate crisis. Could eating plant-based help us feel empowered?
Innovative cultured meat is the answer to many of our problems
Meat is killing us through disease, pandemics and ultimately through climate change which will lead to human extinction. Could lab-grown meat save us?
Preventing the next pandemic must take a holistic approach
Enhancing sustainability, better land management, and educating people on the origin of zoonotic diseases are all ways to prevent the next pandemic.
Joaquin Phoenix and Rooney Mara make film linking factory-farming to zoonotic diseases
The outspoken vegan couple’s new film “The End of Medicine” will take a look at the impact of factory farming on human health and the environment.
How will the COVID-19 crisis change the way we see food?
As the world experiences a deadly pandemic, we are slowly learning compassion, consciousness and a need for change. Will this mean the end for meat?
When it comes to preventing pandemics, we must listen to the kids!
Youth activists opposing environmental destruction have often been ignored. Would we be experiencing the COVID-19 pandemic had we listened?
COVID-19: A financial dead-end for the meat-industry?
As consumers become more conscious about their eating choices; health and sustainability, meat is starting to look like a bad option for investors.
COVID-19 shows that animal cruelty has consequences
We should respond to COVID-19 by making an effort to prevent future pandemics; this means changing how we see ourselves in relation to the natural world.
“You have no excuse not to (go vegan)” – Billie Eilish’s brother to 2.5 million Instagram followers
Finneas O’Connell, brother to pop singer Billie Eilish, took to Instagram to promote relief campaign to get vegan food to those made vulnerable by COVID-19.
Asia’s unruly meat industry could cause more pandemics
A new report shows that Asian meat companies have often failed to comply with ESG standards. Asia is home to a high number of international meat companies.
Bill Nye says we are “failing the test” on climate change and COVID-19
Scientist and TV personality Bill Nye the Science Guy expresses concern over anti-science attitudes but shows optimism for the future.
Is lockdown encouraging UK’s youth to go vegan?
New research shows a 22{85424e366b324f7465dc80d56c21055464082cc00b76c51558805a981c8fcd63} rise in interest for vegan diets amongst millennials in the UK since the beginning of the coronavirus lockdown.
Brazil meat plants epicenter of COVID-19
With two million cases of coronavirus, Brazil is one of the worst-hit countries in the world, and also the world’s second-biggest meat supplier.
Factory farming will lead us to a future pandemic
A new report from ProVeg has identified industrial farming of animals as the most likely cause of a future global pandemic.
COVID-19 causes huge drop in red-meat production
The pandemic has caused meat-plants to shut their doors due to repeated outbreaks amongst employees, leading to an almost 20{85424e366b324f7465dc80d56c21055464082cc00b76c51558805a981c8fcd63} drop in red meat production.
Intensive animal farming “single most risky behaviour” for pandemics
A ProVeg report warns that the use of intensive farming methods, such as factory farming, will be cause for another pandemic.
Unsustainable agriculture responsible for disease – Scientists
The health of the human race is at risk, and the culprit is our food. Better food systems and food security are needed to ensure we are protected.
Human health depends on the health of animals and the environment
Focusing on human health alone won’t solve the core issues that cause pandemics, such as COVID-19. We must adopt a holistic approach.
Pandemic prevention plan includes lessening animal exploitation
U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres has welcomed a UNEP report which claims animal exploitation must be avoided to prevent pandemics.
COVID-19 has impacted the meat industry in more ways than you think
The coronavirus pandemic has impacted the meat industry in several significant ways leading to a rapid decline in meat sales.
All factory farms must be shut down to prevent another pandemic
New medical research paper argues that factory farming is a significant threat to human health as the world battles the deadly coronavirus pandemic.
Is COVID-19 the wake-up call we all needed?
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought some severe blows to the agriculture industry and may be the beginning of a more sustainable future.
UN report shows link between environmental destruction and rise in pandemics
Democracy Now interviews Delia Grace from the UN Environment Programme on the contribution of animal agriculture to pandemics.
A rise in veganism amid COVID-19 catastrophe
It might have taken a global pandemic, but it looks like our eyes are finally opening to the full extent of meat and dairy damage.
Meat companies could face carbon tax
Governments are beginning to look critically at the meat industry who are responsible for the bulk of climate-change, causing carbon emissions.
Meat-plant COVID-19 rate might be higher than we thought
Activists say they have reason to believe that meat-plants experiencing large coronavirus outbreaks are using legal loopholes to hide their numbers.
Doctors agree meat is bad news!
With COVID-19 ravaging communities globally, it has never been so clear just how bad meat is for human health and for our future.
Ever wonder how animal agriculture caused some of the world’s deadliest diseases?
The coronavirus is on everyone’s mind, but it isn’t the only disease to come from animal agriculture and environmental abuse.
Vegans protest JBS meat-plant amidst coronavirus safety complaints by workers
Meat-plants have become synonymous with the COVID-19 virus after hundreds of workers at meat-plants across the country became infected.
Is COVID-19 a silver bullet for the meat industry?
The meat industry is seeing more scepticism than it has in years as the public becomes aware of the disease risk attached to all animal agriculture.
Meat-plants in “disastrous race to the bottom” in the quest for cheap meat
Thirty thousand meat-plants across the US and Europe have been impacted by massive COVID-19 outbreaks which have been linked to poor working conditions.
German meat billionaire under scrutiny as meat-plant becomes COVID-19 hellhole
German Billionaire and owner of COVID-19 infested meat factory accused of worker exploitation as nearly 1500 “temporary” workers test positive.
Iowa Latinos boycott slaughterhouses due to COVID-19 deaths
A Latino civil-rights group is calling for a meat boycott due to COVID-19 and worker safety concerns at meat-plants across the U.S.
Is meat really worth the devastating impact it has on human health and animal welfare?
In a time of pandemics and environmental destruction, we must begin to rethink our food systems and work towards better, more sustainable options.
The next pandemic will come from factory farms
Time and time again, we have seen how animal agriculture contributes to disease; with factory farming becoming more aggressive, it could be the next source.
Wild-life trade sparks fresh fears of virus
New research suggests that coronavirus not dangerous to humans unless multiple strains come together, such as in a wild-life market.
Continued deforestation will only lead to more pandemics
The harm done to the environment in the name of meat spills over to impact us all, as new diseases are introduced, and pandemics claim lives.
Pandemics will worsen if we keep exploiting animals
Health experts from the UN and the European Food Safety Authority have singled out animals for food as the biggest contributor to infectious disease.
WWF Pakistan warns against environmental destruction and pandemics
WWF-Pakistan director-general claims COVID-19 “reconfirms how people and nature are interlinked,” and highlights the urgency of environmental protection.
Interview: UN Environment Programme manager discusses failing food systems
Interview with James Lomax, a programme manager with the UN Environment Programme on the growing demand for food and our failing food systems.
Environmentalist Chris Packham says COVID-19 is the result of environmental destruction
In an interview with the Guardian, the renowned environmentalist blamed human interference in nature as the cause for COVID-19 and praised youth activism.
COVID-19 is an opportunity to fix broken relationship with the environment
The pandemic that is a result of environmental abuse should be seen as a cause for introspection and positive steps towards rectifying our mistakes.
Factory farms are a breeding ground for disease
From abuse of animals to horrendous labour conditions for workers; it would seem factory farms we get our meat from are breeding the next pandemic.
Will we see the end of factory farming in the near future?
Factory farming has consumed and dominated animal farming for years, but as consumers become more conscious of what they eat, could this be the end?
Health experts warn against factory farming in a pandemic-stricken world
Professor David O. Wiebers argues that factory farming will have to go if we want to prevent future pandemics and protect human health.
Why do meat companies still fare well despite COVID-19?
Despite widespread criticism for the meat industry’s treatment of workers during COVID-19 and its contribution to health-risk; some companies still prosper.
This is an emergency for the climate not a fire drill
The United Nations’ Sustainable Business chief, Lise Kingo, says that the crisis should motivate us to create a world that is equitable and sustainable.
Iowa Farm Sanctuary rescues chickens from COVID-19 doom
Meet 39 lucky chickens who were saved from certain death! Since the COVID-19 outbreak hit the meat industry, thousands of animals have been culled.
Animal exploitation the cause of most modern diseases
Animal exploitation is the number one cause of disease outbreaks since 1990, according to a newly released white paper by advocacy group SURGE.
Ending China’s wild-life trade – a mammoth task
China has committed to ending its exploitative wild-animal trade, but to what extent can the government successfully do so?
Factory farming is not compatible with public health
Major pandemics and plagues have all been linked back to animal agriculture. COVID-19 is no different. It should encourage us to make better choices.
Has COVID-19 caused a vegan meat revolution?
Could it be possible that the pandemic is convincing consumers to choose vegan alternatives over meat? That seems to be the case.
Pandemic causes meat industry to take huge hit as plant-based meat sales soar
A food revolution is happening right before our eyes as the meat industry takes massive hit amid pandemic, and plant-based meat sales soar.
Are you ready for the next pandemic?
Industrial animal agriculture is a significant cause of deforestation and disease, leaving scientists concerned that pandemics will become more frequent.
Pandemic, climate change give new spur to vegan lobby against meat industry
On May 11, social media lit up following a tweet posted by veteran Canadian rocker Bryan Adams. “Tonight was supposed to be the beginning of a tenancy of gigs at the @royalalbert,” he wrote, “but thanks to some f---ing bat-eating, wet market animal selling, virus...
Alternatives To Animal Agriculture Are Our Greatest Hope for Survival
Authentic plant-based alternatives and lab-grown meat might be our best chance to prevent another pandemic like COVID-19.
Going Vegan Could Make You Less Susceptible to COVID-19
Eating a plant-based diet will strengthen your immune system making your body better equipped to fight off diseases such as COVID-19.
Industrial Factory Farming Of Animals Is A Ticking Time Bomb
New York front-line health care worker, Dr Shivam Joshi, and environmental activist, Josh Balk, talk factory farming and its contribution to deadly viruses.
China Is Looking To A Meatless Future As Coronavirus Pandemic Hits
With the Coronavirus pandemic hitting China hard, a Chinese politician is calling on the Chinese Political Consultative Conference to encourage organizations to go meatless.
“Livestock As Precarious As Oil” For Investors Says Goldman Sachs
Investors are increasingly looking for more sustainable plant-based meat options as consumer demand increases and the Coronavirus pandemic sows chaos in the meat sector.
COVID-19 Leads To Mass Slaughter of Animals
The killing of animals reared for food displays the cruelty of the meat industry towards living creatures, and its disregard for the environment.
Plant-based Meat Sales Rise Amid COVID-19
As meat plants close and the pandemic wreaks havoc on animal agriculture, plant-based “fake meats” are seeing an increase in sales.
COVID-19 is One More Reason to Save the Planet by Going Vegan
With a pandemic on the rampage and the looming threat of climate catastrophe leading to human extinction; we should all be rethinking what we eat.
The End of Factory Farming Might Be Near
The meat industry has been hit hard by COVID-19, which has made its flaws all the more clear to see. Could this lead us into a better future?
Millions Of Pigs Slaughtered Due To Threat Of African Swine Fever Spread
The world is focused on Coronavirus but in the meantime, African Swine Fever (AFS) the deadly virus that kills all pigs it infects, is spreading worldwide.
Climate Crisis Being Forgotten About In Midst Of Coronavirus Pandemic
Sir David Attenborough has warned that climate change has been “swept off the front pages” by the coronavirus pandemic.
Meat-Plant Workers Live In A State of Fear
Employees at a South Yorkshire meat-plant, where nine have tested positive for COVID-19, describe unsafe conditions and disregard for worker health.
Germany Implements Changes To Meat Industry After COVID-19 Shock
The country is taking swift action to address the horrendous labor conditions that have led to a crisis out-break of COVID-19 at meat plants.
Chinese Virologist Warns Against Eating Wild Animals
Shi Zhengli, affectionately known as Bat Woman, bravely called out political leaders for not co-operating to stop epidemics caused by wild-life trade.
We Must Learn From COVID-19 or Face Nature’s Wrath
Could it be that the current coronavirus outbreak is merely a warning sign, alerting us to what could happen if we don’t learn to coexist with out beings?
10 Ways COVID-19 Helped Us See the Cracks in Our Food System
The pandemic has shone a light on the ways in which our food system is unsustainable, and abusive towards humans & animals.
Is COVID-19 Showing Us The Hideous Truth Behind the Meat Industry?
From food waste, to abuse of animals and workers; the pandemic has lifted the curtain to reveal the meat industry in all of its ugliness.
High Profile Environmental Activists Call For Urgent Action To Stop Ecological Collapse
High profile actors, activists and filmmakers have spoken out by urging people to reconsider their old lifestyle after lockdown in life after COVID-19.
South African Wild-Life Trade With China is Shameful Amid COVID-19
Explosive report reveals that thousands of wild animals are being taken out of the country and sold for profit thanks to failing regulatory procedures.
Industrial-scale Factory Farms Are Like “A Ticking Time Bomb”
Health professionals in Britain launch “No Meat May” campaign to urge public to give up meat in order to prevent pandemics such as COVID-19.
What Is The Link Between Climate Change And Coronavirus?
The time couldn’t be more opportune for us to reevaluate our relationship with our planet and the billions of factory-farmed animals who inhabit it against the laws of nature.
Irish Meat-plant Workers Paint Horrifying Picture of Life in COVID-19 Disease Pits
Workers in Irish meat-plants describe feeling let down. Many have contracted COVID-19 in unsafe work spaces where there is disregard for social distancing.
Author Jonathan Safran Foer Calls On Consumers To Withdraw Support For “Cruel” Meat Industry
Jonathan Safran Foer is an outspoken vegan, critic of the meat industry. He is the author of several books including Eating Animals and We Are The Weather.
What Does The COVID-19 Meat Plant Closures Mean For The U.S Meat Industry?
Meat industry may suffer a loss of $13.6 billion due to COVID-19 outbreak, say National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA); but that’s not all.
Workers Lives Put in Danger in the Name of Meat
At a time when a pandemic is running rampant in meat-plants, and worker safety is seriously jeopardised, is it not selfish for consumers to demand meat?
The Meat-plant COVID-19 Situation is a Catastrophe
Thirty meat-plant workers and four health inspectors have died after contracting the disease at meat-plants across the county.
Live Animal Markets Still Open for Business Across South-East Asia
Horrifying images display the reality of disease-pit wet markets in Cambodia, Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam and China.
As US Food Supply Chain Stutters Million of Farm Animals Are Culled
US government vets said to be ready to assist with culls, or ‘depopulation’ of pigs, chickens and cattle because of coronavirus meat plant closures.
Wall Street Analyst Predicts Vegan Future
Financial analyst and TV host, Jim Cramer, believes that the COVID-19 outbreak and meat shortages are bound to push consumers towards plant-based meat.
Bornstein Seafoods Shut After 13 Employees Test Positive For COVID-19
This follows a wave of meat-plants closing after extreme COVID-19 outbreaks which have been blamed on a lack of regard for staff safety on the job.
What Does Climate Change And Coronavirus Have In Common?
The time couldn’t be more opportune for us to reevaluate our relationship with our planet and the billions of factory-farmed animals who inhabit it against the laws of nature
Coronavirus: Stop Exploiting Earth And Animals Or Be Prepared For Worse And Fiercer Pandemics
If the human race carries on the way we have been doing, we had better get used to pandemics that are likely to be more frequent, spread more rapidly, kill more people and inflict even worse economic damage if humanity fails to fundamentally change how it is damaging...
Pigs Euthanised, Composted At JBS As Company Takes a Hit
A large composting site, akin to a mass grave, erected for the carcasses of hogs euthanized after meat industry is impacted by COVID-19 outbreak.
Queen’s Brian May Demands Meat Tax
The musician took to Instagram to urge PM Boris Johnson to implement a meat tax, saying: “the world we had before this cornavirus was not good enough.”
Slaughterhouses Jeopardise Worker Health Due To Demand For Meat
Meat companies fear the impact that COVID-19 will have on the meat industry, punish workers and animals by trying to maintain normalcy.
Costco Introduces Meat Cap For Customers As Stock Dwindles
As meat farming and production grinds to a halt due to COVID-19 fears, retailers like Costco are finding it hard to meet consumer demand.
Does Science Really Need Animal Experimentation?
As global labs scurry to learn more about COVID-19 and how to fight it, animals suffer the most, say animal rights activists.
We should treat Climate Change the way we are treating COVID-19
Both of these are harmful, dangerous and have the potential to wipe out our whole species; so why do we treat the climate crisis with less urgency?
COVID-19: Scientists Warn Against Habitat Destruction
Zoonotic diseases make up 3/4 of diseases that infect humans, and deforestation is a major cause for the spread of disease from animals to humans.
Farm animals receiving the back-hand of COVID-19
Animals bred to be eaten, are now being killed and discarded by farmers as the meat industry begins to slow due to the COVID-19 outbreak.
You Can’t Separate COVID-19 And The Consequences of The Climate Crisis
Emily Atkin believes that surviving the COVID-19 pandemic should teach us a thing or two about how to deal with a crisis – the climate crisis that is.
New ad from Greta Thunberg’s foundation exposes terrifying new reality of climate change
Fridays For Future, the international youth movement founded by Greta Thunberg, has released a new climate crisis-focused ad.
120 Irish Workers Test Positive For COVID-19 At Meat-plant
Labour unions have since raised concerns about worker health, claiming that very few safety measures have been put in place.
Trump Opening Meat Plants is “Genocide Against the Working Class” – Iowa Unionist
Trump demands the reopening of meat plants despite the high COVID-19 risk involved. This has prompted outrage from rights experts.
Let’s End Factory Farming Animals Now and Redirect Subsidies Towards Plant-Based Agriculture.
Rather than cull millions of livestock, let’s end Animal Agriculture once and for all. The whole situation is an incontrovertible nightmare.
Bad food choices led to COVID-19 – we need to choose better!
COVID-19 won’t be the last pandemic, but Is it possible that we can prevent the next one by simply changing the way that we eat?
Millions of animals are being killed, aborted and discarded due to Coronavirus
Slaughterhouse closures during the pandemic have not led to animal lives being saved. Breeders and farmers are now killing animals off themselves.
Trump’s Arrogant Order To Re-Open Meat Paking Plants Sends Workers To Their Deaths
Donald Trump’s executive order to keep meat plants open shows contempt for workers’ health and public health.
COVID-19: Survival is about caring for and sharing with your community
While many are panic buying and stocking their shelves, journalist Michelle Bigley worries this is the opposite of what we should be doing.
Greta Helps Launch Effort Protecting Children From COVID-19
Greta Thunberg is not only a fighter for the planet but is also stepping up to help protect children from the pandemic with the purchase of soap, masks and gloves in association with a campaign launched by the United Nations.
Billie Eilish Is Making Music At Home To Support Vegan Restaurants
It is a family affair as Grammy Award-winning singer Billie Eilish and her music producer brother, Finneas Baird, are throwing a concert to support vegan restaurants. Grammy Award-winning singer Billie Eilish and her music producer brother, Finneas Baird, are having a...
Meat Prices Set To Skyrocket Due To COVID-19
Canadian meat association expresses concern over looming supply shortages as more and more suppliers close or slow down operations.
Plant Based Agriculture Must Be At The Heart Of Agriculture Says SAFE
The demand for plant-based protein is growing internationally, and the Government should to include this in their economic stimulus package.
Farmers Starting to Kill Their Pigs After Process Factories Close
As slaughterhouse and meatpacking packing plants close all over the US because so many of the workers are falling ill with COVID 19, a backlog of animals doomed to slaughter, are cooped up in their horrendous factory farms because there are no workers to slaughter...
Meat Processing Plants across the US are panicking about the effect of Coronavirus pandemic
The Food Chain has expressed concern about how long they can store the excess meat and dairy that they have built up plus the problem of shutting down plants because workers are getting sick. Concerns about the US food chain supply made their way into the mainstream...
The Threat Of Zoonotic Disease Continues To Intensify.
A virus that originated in animals has upended life across the globe. But the next deadly pandemic could make this look like “a warmup. To truly solve the underlying conditions that fuel zoonotic pandemics, experts and wildlife conservationists are also calling for a...
COVID-19 Research Must Not Be Done on Animals
An international coalition of animal rights activists have called for animals to be spared from testing and research of COVID-29 in labs.
Chinese Tradition Based On Nothing But Superstitious Belief Cannot Continue
As details of China’s experience with the coronavirus emerge, a number of things are becoming clear. The first is the dystopian brutality of the lockdown imposed on the Chinese people by their authoritarian government.
Habitat Destruction Creating Massive “Virus Spillover”
Scientists and researchers believe that our encroachment on wild-life habitats is a time bomb for disease. We must end it to survive.
Confining and butchering animals is what caused COVID-19
The meat industry we are accustomed to is no different than wild-life markets in Asia. Both are rampant with human cruelty and both are disease hot-spots.
COVID-19: What comes after?
According to these five experts in their respective fields; the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic might ensure a more sustainable and conscious world.
Asian Wildlife Markets Still Flourishing Despite Outrage
Despite international outrage and calls to put a permanent end to Asia’s disease infested wild-life markets; the trade continues.
Australia Urges G20 Action On The Wildlife Wet Markets as result of Coronavirus
The Australian government is calling for the G20 countries to take action on wildlife wet markets, calling them a “biosecurity and human health risk”.
Our Reckless And Callous Treatment Of Animals Will kill Us Too.
Our dreadful treatment of animals and reckless destruction of the environment pushed nature and wildlife into extinction and created unknown diseases.
Meat-Eating and COVID-19 – PETA Answers Questions
Where does COVID-19 come from? Should you still be eating meat? All of your most pertinent questions about COVID-19 and meat-eating answered!
Factory Farming Is A Catastrophic Risk To Our Species
The fact of the matter is that the meat people are eating, is a pandemic risk. The vast amount of meat that is eaten, especially in the USA, comes from Factory Farms which creates enormous stress for the animals and creates conditions for them to get sick. Some...
Cut The Crap: COVID-19 Was Caused by Animal Exploitation Alone
The desperate need to blame the disastrous COVID-19 on Chinese anti-US sentiment dismisses the very real and scary cause; wild-life destruction.